Ginseng Plant

 Ginseng Plant

Ginseng has been used for thousands of years to improve the overall health of human being. The term ginseng refers to the species within Panax, a genus of 11 species of slow growing perennial plants with fleshy roots, in the family Araliaceae. These plants grown in eastern Asia, typically in cooler climates. The two major species are American ginseng (grown in the Midwest of America and exported to China) and Asian ginseng. Ginseng is known to be an adaptogen – adaptogens are substances that help the body to restore itself to health and to work without side effects.

 American ginseng is considered to be a stress reducer, energizer and a normalizer. The name panax comes from the Greek word panacea meaning, “all healing”.
It has been traditionally used to negate the effects of fatigue and stress. It’s often used as a general health tonic to enhance a person’s mental and physical performance.
It’s a powerful “adaptogen”. An adaptogen is a substance that reduces the effects of any kind of stress, be it physical or mental. Roots must be at least four years old to be beneficial. The older the root, the more potent it is.

Benefits of Ginseng

Ginseng can be used to improve the health of people recovering from illness. It increases a sense of wellbeing and stamina, and improves both mental and physical performance. Ginseng can be used to help with erectile dysfunction, hepatitis C, and symptoms relating to menopause, and can also be used for lowering blood glucose levels and controlling blood pressure.  Ginseng was recommended for enlightening the mind and increasing wisdom. Ginseng was taken as a tonic for the whole body, and believed to cure lethargy, arthritis, impotence, senility, and many other conditions.

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